Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Stolen Thoughts on The Election

Since I can't seem to organize my own thoughts in an accurate, cohesive manner I'm copying the writibgs if two people who have expressed my sentiment on the Election results.

The first is a friend of Mike's: Chris D.

It's becoming increasingly clear that what divides our country is not merely a matter of policy or party but distinctive worldview and ideological differences. That said I think it's completely unrealistic to think the majority of our elected officials can work together in any meaningful way. McCain's gracious concession speech and Obama's lofty victory speech with all their platitudes may sound nice, but the American left and right are by and large too polarized to find any common ground. The secular left and the Judeo-Christian right (what's left of it) are from different planets and will never come together—nor should they. I think if people on both sides were honest they'd agree with me. One side must be wrong and one side must be right. Take your pick.

While I'm sure this will be terribly difficult, I'm going to do my absolute damndest to do exactly what the Left of this country did not do for the majority of the last 8 years—extend courtesy to the President of the United States even if I didn't vote for or agree with him. I'm not much a George W. Bush fan but the venom, vitriol and disrespect shown to this man has been without comparison. You will not find the equivalent of a "Buck Fush" bumper sticker on the back of my car ("Ouck Fbama?"). You will not hear me make asinine statements like "He's not my President." There is nothing wrong with critique or even a little sarcastic mockery but the kind of attitude outlined above does far more damage to the American political system than somebody's bad policy.

The second is from Jasmine Baucham, thanks to Natalie K:

Blog Post by Jasmine Baucham

This post was written by Voddie Baucham's daughter. She expresses my sentiments exactly! Since I do not have time to write, the Lord faithfully provides others who can say what I'd like to say just as well, or better, than I ever could!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
A "Change" We Can Be Thrilled About
Thank you, first, for all of your sweet comments on last night's post! You were all so encouraging and understanding; how grateful I am for the diverse and loving body of Christ.

I woke up this morning, not filled with dread or disappointment at Barack Obama's election; no, I woke up feeling refreshed and ready to face a new day. I woke up, unsurprised to find that God is still on His throne, holy, just, righteous, omnipotent, sovereign, and loving, and that we are His children, bought with a price, sealed for that marvelous day when the King of Kings will come to reign here on earth as He reigns in our lives, and sovereignly over all things.

America has fallen for Obama's promises of change... and change I'm sure we'll receive; President Obama is sure to provide is with ample opportunity for change, sliding on a downhill slope towards Marxist socialism. As one friend joked via email this morning, New Zealand's looking better and better to me each day. :-)

Reflect, however, on Romans 13:1-7... is Barack Obama's administration as unsavory as the administration that the Apostle Paul was submitting to when he wrote those words?

The Lord gave me peace this morning as I was able to reflect on a different type of change that can occur over the next four years under our new administration. I don't mean the change that means our troops perhaps coming home to soon, abortions being easier and easier to come by, taxes raising painfully high, and welfare spreading our money painfully thin...

I mean the change that could come within the lives of God's people. As we are forced to transfer our hope from a fallen human candidate, and into the hands of our all-wise God, perhaps He will quicken our hearts, soften our consciences, and give us a renewed passion for His Kingdom; He will sanctify us, He will strengthen us, and through that sanctification process, He will make us more and more able to carry out His glorious plan.

More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.
(Romans 5:3-5)

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.
(James 1:2-3)

The Lord has placed us in this time in history, in this country, for a reason; we are here on earth in this window of time to bring Him glory and honor, to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, to leave a legacy for those that come after us, that they may continue this work long after we're gone. Obama's presidency cannot stop us from carrying out this mission; he can make it difficult, he can make it painful, but he cannot stop us.

In light of our present circumstances, I do have hope that a change will come; a revival, starting in the hearts of the children of God as they learn to trust and revere their might Maker. And I have a hope that thischange will inspire us to do great and wonderful things for the Kingdom of God, through our submission to Him in all things.

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